
Blog 7 - Free/Themed Topic

Hey there, dear students! We are getting closer to the end of the semester! It’s the final countdown piririiiin ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw ) I hope that you ace this end of semester 😊 In today’s topic, I am going to talk about one of my favorite painters. As I mentioned in my former posts, I am interested in pursuing another career as a plastic artist. Although I have not made any attempt to acquire any type of skills, I am very fond of going to art museums and art galleries. When I was a high school student, there was a final project for the arts subject: You had to paint something in one of the walls of the Arts’ classroom as a personal memento. I know it was a little bit narcissistic, but I wanted my painting to survive throughout the years. With that in mind, I searched for a painter that would mean something for this school and I came across with Roberto Matta. He was a former student of my school, and he became one of the most important Chilean painte