Blog 7 - Free/Themed Topic

Hey there, dear students! We are getting closer to the end of the semester! It’s the final countdown piririiiin ( I hope that you ace this end of semester 😊

In today’s topic, I am going to talk about one of my favorite painters. As I mentioned in my former posts, I am interested in pursuing another career as a plastic artist. Although I have not made any attempt to acquire any type of skills, I am very fond of going to art museums and art galleries.

When I was a high school student, there was a final project for the arts subject: You had to paint something in one of the walls of the Arts’ classroom as a personal memento. I know it was a little bit narcissistic, but I wanted my painting to survive throughout the years. With that in mind, I searched for a painter that would mean something for this school and I came across with Roberto Matta.

He was a former student of my school, and he became one of the most important Chilean painters and a seminal figure in the 20th century abstract expressionist and surrealist art. He was awesome. His paintings mixed abstraction, figuration, and multi-dimensional spaces into an intricate, cosmic sceneries. Matta's long and prolific career was defined by a strong social conscience and an intense exploration of his internal and external worlds.

Here is my horrible painting (yeah, horrible, because it is like my own interpretation/copy of Matta’s “L’Arc obscure  des heures, 5 p.m”. You can also see my otaku side in this painting hehe.

A couple of years ago, I went to the Chilean National Museum of Fine Arts and I saw a gallery dedicated to Roberto Mata’s work. I was astonished and overwhelmed: his works from 1942-1997 represented not only the global turmoil that was happening due to World War II, the Cold war and the Space Race, but his political views and his belief that art could be a powerful agent for societal change.

I took this picture when I was visiting Salvador Allende’s Museum. This is Matta’s “Hagámosnos la guerrilla interior para parir un hombre nuevo”. This mural sent shivers down my spine by these powerful words.


  1. I think that art (music, visual arts, plastic and theatre, etc) is a good way to be able to generate social change.
    I remember an exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts that was about HIV, 3 years ago when people still didn't know they had treatment.
    By the way, the otaku side gives intensity to Matta's art.

  2. wowowowow miss!!, you have a future as an artist, the mural is beautiful,
    I have been to the Museo Bellas Artes several times!! what artists achieve is extraordinary, I hope you do it too!!

  3. I was thinking of asking if he felt otaku, hahaha, but I kept reading and answered my question.
    Do I keep a photo of your painting? Or did you take it in some space in your house?

  4. I think otaku painting gives it a touch haha Anyway I love the political that art can be


  5. I find it fascinating to go to the same school as an artist like Roberto Matta at my school no one was an artist :(

  6. Sorry If I don´t take the main topic, but I love the painting of black rock shooter and I´m very animated by the surprise of this. :ooooo Now in my mind is stuck the opening song when it says "black rock shooter natsukashii kiokuuu" \(@^0^@)/.

  7. The painting you tried to copy from Roberto Matta caught my attention, so I looked it up on the internet, comparing them I realized that your painting is quite good, yes, it's different from Matta's, not so much in the form but in the colors, but I think that same difference gives a personal touch to your art :)

  8. Although I like art, I find it hard to see what artists are trying to express :( but I think you have a future as an artist jeje!!

  9. From my point of view any type of art is great and should be more valued. Otaku painting adds a touch hahahaha

  10. Wow amazing teacher, I also like Matta´s works. I think your paint is amazing tho, I think is difficult to paint murals. I hope you can study art!

  11. I think that Matta is one of the most important painters in the contemporary history of Chile. Among other like Bravo, Balmes or Antunez, they show a path of political art making. Great post!

  12. Hi miss! I absolutely loved your interpretation of Matta's painting and the black rock shooter painting it's amazing! Art it's really something important to me and I would like as well to persue an artistic career in some point of my life!


  13. Hello teacher! The truth is that I have never been very interested in art, but I was delighted that you shared with us about one of your dreams, your works and your inspirations. Every day you can learn something new! and with that in mind I hope you can continue dedicating yourself to doing the things you like to do and continue taking advantage of the talent you have (my attempts at drawing and painting are a real disaster, haha!)

  14. Your painting is really amazing! I could not have done something like that jeje

  15. Your painting is not horrible, miss. I think it is great. I think you have many conditions to pursue a career as a plastic artist, do it! :)

  16. Hi miss! I don’t really know that much about plastic arts but I do enjoy watching it and trying to interpret it. I think all kinds of art can be powerful and transformative. I also loved the words of Matta, I think that it expresses a very revolutionary feeling.

  17. I like Matta so much! it is important to the history of art in Chile. Your representation in the wall is so nice, and i imagine that was very hard to do! because a wall is different to a paper! haha i wish you the best to study plastic arts in a future :)

  18. You're such a good painter <3 I really liked your painting, I didn't know Roberto Matta, I just remember had listened his name in a class, thanks for sharing !

  19. Mata's art is wonderful. I think art is very political because it's a means of expression, so it will always have a political aspect.

  20. Roberto Matta's art is really great and your painting too, the otaku side is the best.

  21. jajaj how nice that he likes art so much and that he can express it in his own way, the otakus details are great. I wish him the best with his future career in arts and hopefully . (he can create a painting otaku jajaj).


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