Blog 1: A country I would like to visit

In this first post, I would like to talk about my interest to go and study at the Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. This public, research-intensive university has developed a threefold vision about its role as an educational center:
- To offer all types of graduate and postgraduate study programs for its students with the best educational standards possible in order to generate social progress and academic knowledge.

- To provide extra-curricular activities that put students’ acquired knowledge to the test.

- To generate interdisciplinary skills in graduate students through its close relations between different institutions and countries.

About its position in international rankings, the university ranks among the 100 best of the world’s approximately 17,000 universities by several of the most influential and respected rankings such as Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities and the QS World University Ranking.

 What about the city?

Situated in a green valley surrounded with several hundred kilometers of coastline and many beaches and with many forests and woods on the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, the city of Aarhus is located. Despite being the second-largest city in the Danish country, Aarhus has been considered as one of the most ancient cities in the Scandinavian region, with a history that begun when Vikings had decided to settle down in this area due to its convenient surroundings as a trading post.

In terms of its economy, this city has become the home to a significant bunch of activities within diverse sectors such as food industry, IT, life-sciences, nanotechnology and so on; it has been changing its interest from manufacturing to knowledge and service based and this is the place where sustainable energy and the field of cleantech come together in one profitable industry: the wind power business. It is no coincidence that, being Aarhus the owner of the highest concentration of students in Denmark, the workforce of this city has a wide range of well-educated labor; it is all thanks to the strong influence of the University of Aarhus and the large healthcare industry.

Despite the previous, advantageous description of the city of Aarhus, it is also known that Denmark is an expensive country due to its high taxes (37%-60% of your income goes to taxes); the language barrier generates cultural differences and eating out with friends can burn a hole in anyone’s pocket in Denmark. On the other hand, the Danish healthcare system service covers many different institutions and functions in the public arena and provides access for all residents and, as an international student and resident in Denmark, you will have access to free medical treatments from the day you register with the national registration office and obtain your health insurance card.

For me, Denmark sounds like a very interesting and challenging place to live. Not only because of its culture and historical background, but also for its Universities and different Masters programs.

What about you? Where would you like to live?

Beautiful, isn't it?


  1. WOW miss !! you know a lot about this place, It is an expensive place, but we can highlight the free health system, which in Chile does not existed. I find it an interesting place to visit because of the landscape it describes and for the photo that you publish.

  2. It shows that you have researched a lot about this place, you must be eager to visit them. I find it very interesting and beautiful because of the photo I publish, but I don't know if I could live there since it is expensive, but I would like to visit it without a doubt.

  3. I don't know much about this country but because of how you described it would be worth visiting, and I like that Aarhus is a city of students and also that it have sea

  4. I see that his main reason for traveling is the university and its program (and everything else); Very interesting, since if I had the opportunity to travel, I would like to do it more for tourism (although I do not rule out the possibility of traveling for studies)!

  5. You talk about this place so passionately! Now even I like to know Denmark someday, especially the forests and the coast you are talking about, although it looks cold. I wish you can study there soon and maybe in the future write a blog about how is the life in Aarhus.

  6. oh! I heard about Denmark and that the education is really good, but with your post I understand better how is it. It is a interesting country to live

  7. I’ve never heard about the Aarhus University, but from what you say, it seems to be an excellent place to study.
    Denmark seems to be a beautiful country, but I think the language is very difficult and I really don’t want a hole in my pocket. So, for the moment, Denmark is not an option for me :(

  8. Denmark sounds really amazing if we talk about quality of life! I think I would like to go there as a tourist and learn about their culture and life style, but because of what you wrote it seems like I should start to save money from now if I want to go in a few more years.

  9. It looks like a good place to study, but with the different languages and the taxes It seems difficult to live or work if you dont have a stable job or remuneration and time to understand to other people :/

  10. miss, everything you write in your blog sounds incredible, however, I can't stop thinking that despite all the wonderful things about Aarhus, it would be difficult for a tipical Chilean student to travel there or live in Denmark, because everything is very expensive

  11. It is clear that you have a lot of interes in this country and especially in the university that you talk about. I think it would be a great opportunity for you if you could go to study there. I also would like to study in another country, maybe get a magister degree in a country of europe or see the posiblity of making an exchange throught the university. Well, the only problem it´s that it´s so expensive!!!!

  12. A city that was founded thanks to the Vikings sounds great! And from the way you describe it with extensive coasts and forests it seems an ideal place, but the fact that the country is so expensive only indicates that it’s out of my reach haha.

  13. Wow, teacher. Denmark does sound like a most interesting and fascinating challenge. And although the great economic cost of living there is a bit scary, I imagine it is worth it in order to obtain that quality of education and get to know a culture different from the Chilean one. I hope that someday you will have the opportunity to meet and study in this city!

  14. It sounds like a really good place to study, it's known that to learn you have to enjoy studying, and inside an institution that worries that much about education, with a good healthcare system and the beautiful landscape, I think you can have the conditions to really learn. I hope you can make your wiches come true!

  15. I have heard about Denmark´s education and healthcare system, I think that is a good place to live but, for me, the biggest problem is that it is so expensive!
    I really hope that you can visit it and study there!

  16. I didn't know this! It's sounds a little utopic hahaha, i guess Chile is far for reach this level of education and health system

  17. Hi, I found Denmark amazing! I would like to go sometime and also study in there, although the lenguage it would be so difficult to me...

  18. Wow!! Apparently it's a wonderful country. You made me want to go, but I think language is a real challenge!

  19. Nice! sounds like an interesting place, and i think that gives many alternativas in terms of education. The language barrier is kind of a problem, but still i would love to visit, especially because I would like to see the architecture and know the history of Arrhus.

  20. I would like to study and live in Cambridge, specifically in the University of Cambridge. I have been doing my research on which are the best schools for sociology in the world and this one happens to be in the top list and also the UK is one of my favorite countries in the world and I really like the culture there. About Denmark I think it is a good idea and opportunity to learn a new language and to know about cultures that are really different from ours. The idea of living there sounds amazing although the high taxes, because I bet that the jobs there are well paid


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