Blog 3: Free topic!

Blog 3: Board games :3

Today’s blog is going to be hilarious because you will see a new, nerdy side of me no one knows about (HA!) I'm going to talk about board games. Now, y'all think that board games are pretty boring and even childish. Guess what? You are right!

Nah, on the contrary, the board game industry has done its job to innovate and engage with its consumers. One of the many peculiarities of board games consumers is that, no matter what games are available in the market (and, currently, there are even more options than a decade ago!) they still want more. Due to this drive in demand, independent developers and independent designers strive to give consumers entertaining and challenging board games for families, children, friends and even antisocials such as myself! :) xD

As many of you, I grew up playing Monopoly, chess, Chinese checkers, etc. Yet I didn’t realize I was missing out on a whole new world of games until my SO introduced me to some of my favorite games today. My first experience was with Catan; if you have ever played Age of Empires, this will feel familiar to you. It’s a civilization-building game where you have to collect certain items such as wheat, rocks, cattle, etc… to build settlements, castles or roads. You can also trade these items with the other players, and if by any chance, the dices roll a seven, a robber pawn can ruin your whole game hahahaha. If you are into strategic and interactive games, this will be a good game to play with family and friends.

Another game I'd reccomend you if you are in storytelling is Dixit. In this game, each player has a set of picture cards. When one player has the role of the ‘storyteller’, this person describes one of its cards with a word or a phrase, letting other players select the best-matching card from their hands and everybody submits it secretly. Later, all these cards are shuffled and revealed, so players have to choose which one card best fits the storyteller’s prompt. If you are into storytelling and creative thinking, this game is for you.

Finally, who doesn’t like to solve mysteries? Discover the who's, what's and why's of a crime scene? If you love intrigue as much as I do, then Black Stories is your game. The mechanics of this game are pretty simple: you have the Reader and the Guessers. The Reader reads the front of the card that gives some insight of the crime scene. Then, this person reads the back of the card to himself/herself to familiarize with the whole story. The Guessers have to work together to try to solve this mystery by asking yes or no questions about the surrounding circumstances of the murder scene. Once the players solve the mystery, the Reader reveals the full story. This is a great alternative to those who are not huge fans of traditional board games as it still can be a riveting game played with friends. 

What do you think? Did you like any? No? We can still play Uno, if you like xD

You can see here as the thieves are messing up a gamer's chance to win xD


  1. Wow I love the board games too, I started to play the last year with Carcassonne and then I realized that a cousin like the board game too and then all started to play board games in family meetings. If you´re playing with like 4 or 5 players, I recommend to play "BANG!". It´s a game where every person have a role but nobody know the role of the others, but the objetive it´s kill or heal the people who you think have a role that help you to win.

  2. I also like board games!!, and I don't find them childish, we even play often with my family, mostly "ludo" jajaja, with my friends we usually play cards (care caca, carioca, nervioso, etc.) and thanks to a friend I discovered "dix it", I totally recommend it, it's fantastic!! Regards...

  3. the board games are very entertaining, my favorites are the monopoly, english card and Jenga. I acept play Uno haha

  4. Hi! I like board games too! in fact I know all that you mentioned except "Black Stories". A friend brought us many games to entertain us during the quarentine. I think I discover a new grade of resentment thanks to Catan.

  5. Hi miss! I have to confess that I love board games, I´m a nerd too. I haved always liked board games, when I was a little girl my favourite board game was Monopoly or "La gran capital", I also liked to play chess and checkers. But last year I dicovered Catan and I became obsessed with the game, my friends and I spent a long time playing, even full afternoons. I really miss play Catan with my fiends, we had a great time.


  6. I admit that throughout my life, there have been few board games that I have played. I am very distracted and also easily bored; board games do not seem so interesting (or not to play long time).

  7. I didn’t know there was a lot of board games, I just know “uno” and it is really good!

  8. Wow, I just realized that I am ignorant about board games. I have never heard of the three games that you recommend.
    I think I will look for the game Black Stories to give it to my nephew and play with him, because he really likes a game called Clue, which is also about solving a murder. Thanks for the information!


  9. I have to admit that I am not a fan of board games because I am usually bored or distracting quickly, but with my family (especially when we are on holidays) we play cards and monopoly (although we have never reached the end) but we had pleasant moments haha, greetings!

  10. I remember that when I was little I was very good at playing Clue, Monopoly and card games; what I have never been able to play is Catan and I don't know how to play Chess. Nowadays I'm only good at playing Chinese Checkers, I'm usually humiliated by my sister when I play "Gran Santiago" :(


  11. I did not like the catan very much because I did not understand it and I always lost :(, ​​but dixit wowww with my friends they were very good times, it became my favorite board game

  12. Wow! you have a long list of board games, I don't know many. I remember when I was little I loved playing "the great Santiago"

  13. Hello teacher! If I'm honest I didn't know about these new board games before reading your blog and the first two sound a little complicated for me. However, the Black Stories game sounds much more interesting and entertaining because I love everything related to solving mysteries. Still, I accept your invitation to play Uno, haha!

  14. Honestly, I'm not really interested in board games like a hobby. But something of board games that I find cool is that allows you to share with friends and family a good time. I once played Catan, and found it complicated haha, maybe because I'm not good with strategy. Some board games that I like are uno or "nervioso" because adrenaline haha.

  15. board games are just amazing and a very good ally at this corona times!, i don´t know if twister is considered a board game, but is so funny, you will never get bored playing twister

  16. Board games are cool, you can have a great time with family ands friends. Personally, I like playing cards, many games can come out of a deck.

  17. woow it´s amazing the world of the board games, I´m personally a good fan of the card games, more simply games... haha, because I never learned to play chess or catan :(

  18. I'd like a lot to play Uno :), I like board games too, in this quarantine I'm addict to Ludo haha. I haven't play Catan , but I 've heard a lot of that game, It sounds interesting

  19. I really liked the board games that you mentioned but I do not tend to play them very frequently because a I am not a good player. I am a good UNO player though and my favorite place to play it is at the beach watching the sunset. I think I am more of and old school player because my favorite happens to be Monopoly and Clue, but don´t judge at least in that ones I am good.


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