Blog 2: The best holidays I have had.

The best holidays ever :)

Are you a veranista or an inviernista?. I personally prefer going out during summer season than winter season, because days last longer, you can dress with comfy clothes and you can eat so many types of fruits during this time of the year.

One of my favorites holidays was when I was 8 years old and my father, who was (and is) a spontaneous rather than a careful planner, decided to take us camping to Bahía Inglesa. Bahia Inglesa (or English Bay, if you like), is a village and a beach near port Caldera, in the Atacama region, way in the north of Chile. This place is known for its white sands, crystal-clear waters, hotels, campgrounds, summer houses and restaurants.

As soon as we had arrived to Caldera, my father just packed our tent, some food, a couple of sleeping bags and that was it. We just went to the adventure. Obviously, he hadn’t taken into account the human necessities as going to the bathroom or taking a shower, so we were left with asking our camping neighbor’s toilet several times xD Even worse, at one point during that holiday, my father had to ask for help because the car broke down and we were stranded in the beach xD.

Even with all the obstacles, I’m really fond of this memory because not only I spent a lot of time in one of my favorites places (the beach), but I also spent a lot of time with my father and brothers too!

What about you, guys? What’s your best holiday/concert you have had?

 I used to swim here, at El Cisne bay :3


  1. Between summer and winter, I prefer winter. But if it's about going out, I like summer better (actually, those climates are neither so cold nor so hot). Regarding your blog, how entertaining! I have never "camped", I hope someday to do it :(

  2. I prefer summer, because of the same reasons that you say. But, I really love the rain and snow (the few times that I saw it).
    And how is the water there? I always have in mind that a beach have a really freeze water like in Pichilemu :c


  3. I love camping and, just like you prefer to go on hplidays in summer, you can enjoy more of the day. I have never been on holidays to the north, I hope I can do it someday, I like how you describe the place. Regards!

  4. Wow, teacher. Those sound like an incredible holiday. I have always thought that improvised plans are the best because they are adventures full of obstacles that we later remember with laughter and happiness. On the other hand, his destiny is dreamed and it must have been wonderful to swim in crystal clear waters with his family. I hope someday to go and also get to know Bahía Inglesa!

  5. That sound like a really good holidays! Be spontaneous sometimes result really great, and now you have amazing memories because of that!


  6. I definitely prefer summer, for the same reasons that you say, wear comfortable clothing,
    eat delicious fruits, and because in this period of the year we have more vacations (free days),
    makes me feel more relaxed. I also went to Bahia Inglesa with a my best friend's family, it´s really beautiful, also it has a lot of gastronomic variety (and that is important to me jajaja).
    I would have liked to go with my brother and my dad just like you, it must be a lot of fun camping in that place, although it is very cold at night.

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  8. Hi miss! I prefer summer too, I love the sun, the happy days and all the colors in the landscapes. I think is very sweet that yor remeber those holidays with your father, you where very little. I have never been to bahia inglesa but it sounds lovely and I would like to go some time.

  9. Hi! I really am summer person, I confirm that every cold day (although I like the rain).
    I imagine the situations and it makes me laugh, guess you do too (now, maybe not at that moment), anyway, I consider your dad's motivation great.
    p.d. I see the picture and think "how I want to be able to go swimming at the beach again".

  10. Oh no! I declare myself a total "inviernista". Although I understand the reasons for your taste in Caldera, I would not have been able to endure the heat of the north of Chile in the summer, only for that I admire that you have been in the Atacama region. However, who doesn't like the beach in summer?

  11. Those sound like an incredible holidays. Even though I am a careful planner person, I think that spontaneous trips can sometimes be the best.
    Oh, and answering your question I prefer winter, I love rain and I really hate the sun.

  12. I consider myself a “veranista”, I really like the cold, but I think it's easier to travel in summer than in winter. About the problem you had with the car, I think it's something that had to happen, it's not a good holiday without a problem on the road haha.

  13. I definitely prefer summer. I really like the beach and all the cool things with it, like play in the ocean and eating a lot of icecream. But, camping in the beach Caldera sounds really harsh! because of the cold wind.

  14. I considered myself a veranista until I was in Valdivia in winter and I got into confusion, but I fully support wearing comfortable clothes and that there is easier to travel in summer than in winter

  15. Aww this is so tender! I love that it's about memories that happened when you were a child and the way you talk about your dad jaja being spontaneous can be a lot of fun:)

  16. I prefer winter, because I prefer the cold more than the harsh summer heat. although it is true, in the summer there is a great variety of fruits, and I love them, and the days of vacations are longer

  17. It sounds so nostalgic and funny at the same time <3 I have heard a lot of Bahía Inglesa, I would like to visit that place one day :)

  18. That's a really nice memory! I remember my family and I went to Bahia Inglesa when I was like 13-14 years old, and went to a beautiful beach called "La Virgen", it was a beach with white sand and turquoise waters, it was really beautiful! Me and my sisters love to get in the water and swim in the waves of the sea, but I remember that in that beach I've tried to swim a wave that was to big, and ended up tosing me to the shore, my sisters laughed at me all day long!

  19. i am an inviernista!, so, i don.t like much the north, beause of the weather.
    I think your memory is an a beatiful story of you and your family. the Best moments, are made of the best persons, so, it´s amazing you can remember those holidays with your family, even better in a place you like.

  20. I declare myself "veranista". I hate to feel cold and have to dress in a lot of clothes (although I must say that I love rain and wind), the cloudy-dark days depress me.

  21. Amazing teacher! I went once there and it was beautiful, I also stayed on a camping near the beach, it was a very calm place and very nice beach with clear water and sand.

  22. Nice vacations! In my case i am more of a “inviernista” kind of person. My favorite vacation was when me and my friends went to Bariloche. We were on a budget so our hotel was not the best. Despite of that we had a really nice time and good stories to tell. For example one day it rained so much that our hotel room got flooded and we had to move all of our baggaged from one room to another, and then we started to run out of time while doing this because we had to be at the tour bus at 3 PM and it was 2:50 PM when this happened, so we had to do it very fast in order to get to the bus on time. We ended up losing the tour bus, but getting a room upgrade and a full refund from our hotel, so with that money we went to a party that night and it was one of the best parties ever.


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