Blog 5 - My Future Job

Good evening, dear students!

Last week was an awesome week, I didn’t do many classes and every classes were quite funny. Also, I was able to sleep a little bit more, so it was very nice…on the down side, I still have plenty of paperwork to do but! Being healthy is not only about the physical aspect, we must take care of our mental health too! So, try to do everything in your to-do list one day at a time!

Today I am supposed to talk about my future job, but, in my case, I already have my current job as an English teacher at the University of Chile. However, I have thought of going to University and study another program. Being a teacher is fun and interesting, but it is such a demanding and poorly paid job in this country that I’m certain I wouldn’t have lasted so long if I had had any other option.

In an alternative universe, I might have become a public administrator. I have heard comments from current students of this program at Universidad of Chile and they all agree that this program involves many areas of my interest: politics, history, a few subjects of mathematics and the management of organizations and networks of a public character.

As a public administrator, I would try to get into the system and try to change as many institutions as possible, starting by SENAME and the Chilean retirement pension system too. I would also meet with people from other countries and attend different meetings abroad, maybe participating in different conferences and symposia. And maybe, I would have a lovely office, full of pictures of beautiful landscapes and lots of calendars and post-its hehehe. Oh, yeah, I would also have a contract too.

What do you think? Maybe I would be a good public administrator, right? Tell me in your comments!


  1. I think they are great ideas, changing the Chilean system is urgent!!! she would be an excellent public administrato, I as a future social worker I would also like to change the sename!.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. I think it is amazing teacher, also I think its very important to study something that involves things that you like, in jobs I think that is more difficult haha, for me at least.
    I hope you can do alla the things you said :)

  4. I think that almost everyone shares the idea of changing some things in Chile, it is a very important issue. I have a friend who studies public administration and he always recommends that I change careers, but I’m still not convinced jeje.

  5. Work as a public administrator can be very interesting and maybe you can change many things that are unfair. But, I think that be exposed to sensible things of the reality all days is very difficult to overcome.

  6. I think you could be a good public administrator. There are many things in the Chilean system that are very wrong and it´s great that you have interest in it and social purposes to change it.

  7. Hello, teacher! I feel that it is something incredibly unfair and sad that being a teacher is something so little valued in Chile. Still, I find that his dream of being a public administrator to contribute with his grain of sand and make this society much better is somenthing wonderful. I hope you get the chance and join that program!

  8. Better late than never! if you are given the opportunity to do something other than what you are currently doing, do it; Opportunities to continue learning should not be wasted (and especially if you want to create a change in society).

  9. I find it very fascinating that you want to dedicate yourself to more than one thing, perhaps there is no "vocation"

  10. I think it would be a fantastic public administrator if you have the vocation, not everyone has that and to change this system we need it. hope you can study that in the future

  11. Hi! I think is really true that pedagogy is undervalued and it's a hard reality to all teachers. I hope we can change that and also you can study again whatever you want. Thanks for your actually job as english pedagogue!

  12. Hi miss! i think the teacher job is fundamental in the society, i mean, it is super important to teach! but yes, in Chile, the job of a teacher is undervalued :(
    Also, it is an urgent need to change the system! in all the ways possibles.

  13. I think you are totally capable of making that parallel universe become true. Public administration it’s a great job, very holistic, and very practical since the first years of occupation. In the other hand, being already a teacher, I think it’s a good thing, and now u only have to take the decision. Good luck with it!

  14. I think that almost everyone shares the idea of changing some things in Chile, it is a very important issue. I have a friend who studies public administration and he always recommends that I change careers, but I’m still not convinced jeje

    This is my comment :(, the other (unknown) I made it from another account and I didn’t realize, sorry)

  15. Hi miss! I´m glad you had a good week!!
    I totally understand the difficulties of being a teacher in this country. Actually. mi mom is an English teacher and she is always full of job, with no time for anything and with a poorly salary. I tkink it´s really unfair because the job of teachers is one of the ost important and great jobs.
    I share with you the idea of trying to change the horrible institutions that this country has, just like SENAME, I would like to work in there to have the opportunity to change it completly.

  16. You are right, this job is really undervalued, but I think you would be a good public administrator, maybe it is not too late!

  17. Life in Chile is difficult, many jobs that we find very entertaining, that we like and that we have a vocation for, are very poorly paid and society in common is not very interested in social reintegration, social facts or even something as complicated as SENAME.
    I wish you the best for your actual job.

  18. I think you would be a good public administrator. From what you say, I think you have the vocation that is needed for this job.
    I hope that if one day you become a public administrator, you will be able to change to SENAME, because it is an institution that really needs improvement.

  19. Hello teacher !, I would like to tell you that before social work, I studied a year of public administration at the University of Chile. That short year was enough to learn about political science, mathematics, economics, law, people management, administration and more! It is a very dynamic career, however, I did not like that it had little social focus.

  20. You look so intelligent, I'm sure that you'd be a very good ublic administrator. Anyway I think that you're a very good teacher too, thanks.

  21. You mention with great enthusiasm the idea of having an office and I am the kind of person who is terrified of having one jaja.

  22. It's very sad that teaching in Chile isn't well valued, I think it's very important a job because you are educating and training the future of the country.
    I'm sure you will be a very good public administrator and I hope you can fulfill all your goals...

  23. In 2018, i started sociology in the University of Chile. In the future i want to work as a sociologist teacher in this university and also i would like work in a public organization or foundation doing research and things like that. Because for me the most important part of my dream job is to help people, in a intervention social projects or public politics.


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